Talk It Out with Dr. Vince

Talk It Out with Dr. Vince (Feat. John Kneapler) Part 1

Vince Pellegrino Season 2 Episode 19

John Kneapler has been president of John Kneapler Design for over 40 years, which is a award-winning graphic design and branding firm based in New York City, with 6 greeting card designs in the Museum of Modern Arts (MoMA’s) retail greeting card division. John is also known for being the former president of OUT Professionals and is one of its first members. In addition, John is an accomplished artist, specializing in gestural abstract landscapes, and is known for his bold use of color and energetic brush strokes. Besides his busy life, John has been painting at the Art Students League of New York for over 25 years.

To get in touch with John Kneapler:

Design website:
Painting website:
Facebook: John Kneapler
Instagram Design: @johnkneaplerdesign
Instagram Paintings:@johnkneaplerpaintings

This the first part of a two part interview!

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