Talk It Out with Dr. Vince

Talk It Out with Dr. Vince (Gays in Long Island) Part 2

Vince Pellegrino Season 2 Episode 14

In this show, I had studio guests Jace Lebeau, and independant twenty-three year-old gay man who faced an uncertain future living with a "Born Again Christian" mother and a brother who "outed": him to the family. Along with Jace was my friend Michael Mastrelembo who was a very active member of the Long Island LGBT community who shared his active involvement within that community and offered helpful information on many of the on-going organizations and events going on in the LGBT community in Long Island. Comparisons were made frequently to the LGBT communities in Brooklyn and Manhattan including the level of "gay elitism" being demonstrated among members of the gay community who cause others to have negative feelings about themselves, especially, with regards to body image and status.. Issues that we addressed both in my book Talk it OUT- No More Gay Shame and my documentary film of the same name on This is the second part of a two part interview.

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